Nomasteron 200

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Nomasteron 200

  • Strength
  • Muscle Gain
  • Fat/Water Loss
  • Side Effects
  • Keep Gains
Dosage: 100 mg - 300 mg / week

This product should only be used after the doctor/trainer advice.

Available In
  • 10 ml


Drostanolone Enanthate injecon 200 mg


Each ml Contains:

Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg

Arachis Oil BP q.s.


NOMASTERON-200 injecon provides drostanolone enanthate, a potent androgenic steroid that has similar characterises of dihydrotestosterone, Drostanolone is incapable of aromizaon and therefore doesn't convert into oestrogen. Both drostanolone anabolic and androgenic acvity is far greater than methyl testosterone. The esterificaon of the 17 beta hydroxyl group increases the duraon of the acon of drostanolone. Drostanolone esters in oil injected Intramuscularly are absorbed slowly from the lipid phase, thus NOMASTERON-200 can be administered at intervals of every 3-4 days.


Drostanolone Enanthate is a long ester of drostanolone. Drostanolone is indicated in postmenopausal women with recurrent breast cancer, in combined hormone therapy. Drostanolone causes retenon of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus; increases protein anabolism; and decreases amino acid catabolism. The antumor acvity of drostanolone appears related to reducon or compeve inhibion of prolacn receptors or estrogen receptors or producon.

Dosage and Administraon:

The individual dosage of NOMASTERON-200 should be determined by the physician before commencement of treatment. Paents should also be kept under medical observaon during Treatment. For intramuscular injecon only


The use of NOMASTERON-200 is contraindicaon to men with:

- Androgen dependent carcinoma of the prostate or of the male mammary gland

- Hypercalcaemia accompanying malignant tumours

- Past or present liver tumours

- Hypersensivity to the acve substance or to any of the excipients. The use of NOMASTERON-200 is contraindicated in females with:

- Pregnancy

n Known or suspected carcinoma of the mammary gland

- Hypersensivity to the acve substance or to any of the excipients

- Liver dysfuncon

- Incomplete statural growth, since anabolic steroids in high dosages may accelerate epiphyseal closure.

Adverse Reacons:

Therapy with high doses of drostanolone enanthate preparaons commonly reversibly interrupts or reduces spermatogenesis, thereby reducing the size of the tescles; drostanolone therapy can in rare cases cause persistent, painful erecons (priapism). High dosages, prolonged treatment and/or too frequent administraon may cause:

-Virilisaon which appears in sensive women as hoarseness, acne, hirsusm and increase of libido;

Overdosage :

Overdosage : No special therapeuc measure apart from terminaon of therapy with the medicine or dose Reducon is necessary aer over dosage.


10 ml glass vial duly labeled & packed in a printed carton along with a leaflet. OR 10 Ampoules of 1 ml vial duly labeled & packed in a printed carton along with a leaflet.


Store at room temperature <25° C, Protect from sunlight. Keep out of reach of children!

NomadLab is a subsidiary of a long running and well established European Pharmaceutical Company.


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